Saturday, September 8, 2012


First pumpkin spice latte of fall!! Yumm.....


Said good bye to my pretty car today! Enjoyed the day running errands and packing the trailer!! :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Last day of work for my hubby @ TSC. Here he is on a 20 ft ladder! Yikes!

On to new adventures!!


September 4, 2012

Dinner with friends tonight!! Saying good bye to our Colorado friends :(

Monday, September 3, 2012


September 3, 2012 Happy Labor Day!!

Today was a busy day!! No "holiday" for us :(

Kevin was busy working away framing his dads basement. He is a workaholic! Trying to get things finished up before we head out of town.

I worked all day, then did some running around, laundry, cleaning up a bit.

We managed to spend a short amount of time together, making some delicious apple crisp! Mmmm it was so good!

And off to bed we go, another busy day tomorrow!

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Sunday Funday! Or, Sunday lazy day! We (by 'we' I mean 'I') usually catch up on laundry, grocery shopping, menu planning, etc. During the summer Sundays are a little more fun, we might go hiking or fishing :)

Today we are headed to buy a trailer for our upcoming move across the country... We had a 2 hour drive there and back, so 4 hours of bonding time in the truck! We laughed a lot and got to have some good conversations about our upcoming new journey!! :)

And now, relaxing with the puppies and early to bed! Who knew driving (riding in my case) could be so exhausting??

What did you do this Labor Day weekend??

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Project 365, Day 1

If you are anything like me, you are currently sitting on the couch in the living room, your husband is watching some type of sport on tv, and you are playing on your computer/phone. Sound too familiar??

Don't get me wrong, we do a lot of things. I just think we spend WAY to much time on the computer and watching tv. I'm ready to make a change!!

Project 365 is something fun and interactive with my husband (and sometimes our pups) everyday. Little things, big things, inexpensive and free things.

Day 1: September 1, 2012

Today we are going to the balloon festival! It comes once a year, it's free, the huge balloons are gorgeous at night all filled up with light (hence the name)! We are going with my cousin and her three boys.

We also walked to lunch. Probably about half a mile or so is a Chinese restaurant. Walking there was easy and speedy, the walk home with our full bellies was a little slower ;) We had fun, holding hands and talking about random things. We wouldn't have done that if we had driven.