Saturday, October 15, 2011


Warning: you may find this post long and boring. I know I ramble on.

Okay, after watching the film 'Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead' I am very inspired. It would not be an exaggeration to say that my husband and I get ONE serving a day of each fruits and veggies. That is really pathetic. We both have health problems we would like to fix, some small, some large. We both have family history of things like high blood pressure and diabetes. We are young, active people and it would take a small change in our diet to make us healthy! I want to live long and have lots of time to spend with my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!!

The movie is about Joe Cross, a guy who was literally fat, sick and dying. He had an immune system disease and was taking a LOT of medicine. He also had been partying, drinking, eating fast food and a lot of food most his life. He was tired of being on medicine and feeling sick, and decided the best way to heal himself was to heal from the inside out! That's when he decided to come to the US and do a 60 day "juice cleanse." He lost 80something pounds, I think almost 90 pounds in 60 days. That's 1.5 lbs a day! WHAT?! On the film there are other people doing the cleanse also, mainly a 10 day cleanse.

Just watch the movie. I thought it would be really boring, but I was very wrong. My husband, who doesn't want to watch anything informative or educational (LOL I am being dramatic with that statement.) loved the movie also! He is very in shape and healthy and is going to be adding two, at least, of these juices a day to his diet, to get more fruits and veggies! I am going to start with breakfast and dinner. I am at work for lunch, usually I skip this meal or have something like a granola bar. I am going to most likely eat something during the day because I am still going to have to cook for my husband. We already are really good about not eating processed foods, I rarely buy them. Our dinner usually consist of 1/5 veggies, 2/5 meat and 2/5 "potato." Now we will try to have 3/4 veggies and a little meat and a little "potato."

You will most likely see posts about my lifestyle change and my favorite juices!! Now, off to research some juicers =)

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